
The 4 Components to the 
Optimal Fitness Routine

In order to lose body fat and build muscle, the 3 steps to follow are:

1. The 3 Rules to Eating Healthy
2. The 4 Components to the Optimal Fitness Routine
3. The 4 Reasons you're not Losing Body Fat

If you apply one of these, you'll see results. 

But when you apply all of them harmoniously, that's when your body will truly transform.

I'm not in the business of telling you what your workout routine "should" look like.

In my opinion, it should be something you enjoy, something you can stay consistent with, something that fits with your schedule, and something that allows you to look and feel the way that you want to look and feel.

What I am in the business of is telling you what I know has worked for the hundreds upon hundreds of people that I've coached.

With that said, an ideal fitness routine to allow you to lose fat and build muscle contains both strength training and cardiovascular training.

In order to build muscle, you have to provide your body with a stimulus. That stimulus has to shock the system either by greater intensity or greater volume than what it's used to.

In order to provide that shock to the system I recommend three strength training workouts a week focused on:

1. Lower Body
2. Upper Body
3. Full Body

This allows you to target all of the muscle groups in your body multiple times a week.

This optimizes your ability to build muscle. Because in order to build muscle you need to do enough working sets (enough sets of exercises that are difficult) on that muscle.

The last component of this workout routine:

4. Cardio

Most people think that in order to lose weight (often synonymous with burn fat, but in reality their not exactly synonymous) that cardio is king.

But this simply isn't true. 

The science doesn't support this, nor does the evidence that I've seen.

Cardio is good at burning calories now, while muscle is good at burning calories later.

If we can have a balance of burning calories now and burning calories later, then you are going to be well on your way to sustainable fat loss and muscle gain.

And that's what we're looking for.

We're looking for a sustainable fitness routine that keeps you looking good, feeling good, and playing good so that when you look in the mirror, you're proud of the body that you see.

"Nick, should I workout 4 days a week? Or should I do less or should I do more?"

The answer to that is going to be based on:
1. What you've been doing over the past few months
2. What your goal is

Generally speaking, make your upcoming training a little more intense and a little higher volume than your past training.

And generally speaking, the more intense the goal, the greater action you'll have to take.

If you want further 1-on-1 guidance, then book a FREE CALL with me today.

To burning fat and building muscle,


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