
How Do You Form Habits That Stick - Part 3

Did I eat the donut or not…?

The other day I was emceeing an event at the gym called "Donuts and Deadlifts. "

And it’s exactly what it sounds like, a deadlift competition where they serve donuts.

There were 15 competitors participating and an additional 30 or so spectators cheering them on.

This is the 3rd year in a row that I’ve been the emcee for the event, so I knew what to expect…

Lots of donuts.

East Park Donuts from East Nashville to be specific. And those things are delicious.

But I knew going into that week that I didn’t want to have any.

Sure, donuts taste great in the moment, but I usually devour them in a matter of seconds and then I feel like crap almost immediately afterwards.

Sometimes I’m okay with that consequence, but this day I didn’t want to be.

But I knew it would be difficult to abstain from devouring a donut.

That morning I walked into the gym and they had donuts displayed on a peg board and then boxes upon boxes of delicious looking donuts. 

Anywhere from traditional glazed donuts, to chocolate covered, to maple bacon (my favorite), to powdered - you name it, they had it.

Sorry if I’m making you hungry.

Luckily, I prepared.

Before this week even started, I asked myself the simple question: what do I need to do to ensure that I don’t fall into the temptation of devouring the donuts?

And I came up with the idea to bring my own breakfast to the gym.

I should bring my own food so that when I could feel my mouth salivating for the maple bacon donut, 

I had something else to channel my energy towards.

So, I brought myself an almond butter and banana sandwich on Dave’s whole grain bread.

And that’s exactly what I ate.

If I hadn’t have had that sandwich with me, when my stomach felt hungry, it would’ve been damn near impossible to resist those donuts.

But because I set myself up for success, I didn’t have to worry about it.

I feel like so many of us often go into these situations without this level of forethought.

We go to work not thinking about all the crap that’s going to be in the break room or the teacher’s lounge.

We go to a happy hour without thinking how hungry we’re going to be.

We go on a work trip without thinking about where the nearest gym is.

And then when we eat the crap in the break room, eat a bunch of the nachos at happy hour, and don’t find time to workout on our trip, and we’re frustrated with ourselves because we didn’t stick to our goals.

But the real reason you didn’t stick to your goals isn’t because you weren’t disciplined enough. ..the real reason is because you didn’t set yourself up for success. 

You didn’t bring healthy snacks to work, you didn’t eat a snack before going to happy hour, you didn’t 
locate the nearest gym on your work trip prior to leaving, you didn’t bring food with you to "Donuts and Deadlifts."

And if you would’ve simply done these things, you would’ve made it 10x easier on yourself.

Doing this preparation is what we call in the 10-Week Transformation – Planning Your PILS.
PILS are microbhabits. They are small actions and habits that help you stay on track with your weekly goals. PILS is an acronym that means the:

Purpose is to
Increase the
Likelihood of your

In order to Plan Your PILS, you want to ask yourself 4 questions.
1. What do I need to do to increase the likelihood that I’m successful?
2. If I weren’t to stay on track with my goals, what would my excuse be? What can I do to ensure I don’t make that excuse?
3. What do I need to do to make hitting my goals easier?
4. What can I do to make hitting my goals more fun?

What do I love most about each of these questions?

You’re taking matters into your own hands.

You’re taking ownership over hitting your goals.

Each of the questions contains the phrasing of - "what can I do."

These words prompt action.

These questions get you thinking creatively on how to hit your goals even in challenging 

My question for you moving forward from this article is what situation do you need to plan for next?

What circumstance is coming up in your life that you need to prepare for in order to maintain healthy habits?

Do your kids have sports all weekend long? Are you going to a wedding? Do you have a work trip?

What can you do to ensure you maintain healthy habits during that?

Don’t blame circumstances as to why you couldn’t be healthy. You have the power to stay healthy regardless of circumstance.

This is how we form habits that stick.

We plan on how to be successful with those habits regardless of circumstance.

We can continue our healthy eating habits, exercise habits, and water habits if we think ahead, if we prepare, and if we set ourselves up for success.

In the 10-Week Transformation, we help everyone start thinking ahead. We help everyone put themselves in their future selve's shoes and make life easier on that person.

If you need help maintaining healthy habits amidst the busyness of your life, then the 10-Week Transformation is for you.

Remember, in order to stay away from the donut, you have to plan out how you’re going to stay away from the donut.

Sure, sometimes willpower will work.

But often times your stomach will be growling, your mouth will be salivating, and everyone else is doing it so you might as well just have one…

So, don’t rely on willpower. Rely on yourself.

Rely on preparation.

Rely on setting yourself up for success.

To planning your PILS,


P.S. If planning ahead is something you need help with to stay consistent, then join us for an experience that will change your life. Begin your 10-Week Transformation !

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