
How Do You Get Motivated and Stay Motivated?

Not feeling motivated is the worst.
Struggling to get out of bed in the morning is no fun.

Feeling sluggish and bored throughout the day is not helping anyone.

We've all experienced these feelings.

Some of us more than others.

So what can we do to get motivated? What can we do to stay motivated?

If you know me, you know that I’m more motivated more frequently than the average bear...

And than the average human for that matter...

I think, to an extent, it’s how I’m wired. But I have a strong belief that NOTHING in this world is 100% nature.

I believe EVERYTHING is a combination of nature AND nurture.

So, a question worth asking is what does the nurture look like for motivation? How do you nurture motivation on a regular basis?

People often say that motivation is temporary, and inspiration is lasting. And I think that’s probably a good way of distinguishing between the two words, but regardless, that is just a matter of everyone’s own personal definition.

What we really want is energy. What we really want is hope. What we really want is something that gets us moving, taking action, and creating change and improvements in our lives.

And in order to nurture this lasting energy and hope so that we can create improvements in our lives, we need to know 3 things.

1. Know what you’re trying to avoid

Know what you don’t want in life.

I’ve read a ton of books, have listened to a ton of podcasts, and have heard thousands of people’s stories.

I’ve heard people’s highs and I’ve heard people’s lows.

And let me tell you...their lows…

I’m running away from their lows.

People often tell the story of committing too much time to their careers and how it made their relationships suffer.

People tell the story of being solely focused on their job and never sleeping and it made them burn out.

People tell the story of being all or nothing with their health and fitness and they went too much to the extreme.

People tell the story of chasing money rather than chasing fulfillment and it led to a feeling of emptiness.

I read and learn so much about the things I don’t want in life. That I have a clear picture of what I’m running away from and what I want to avoid.

Therefore, it heavily influences how I live my life.

This gives me the motivation to act with a sense of urgency.

2. Know who you want to become

I’ve learned from these same people the importance of clarifying your vision.

I’ve learned the importance of imagining where you want to go, who you want to become, and identifying the first few steps in getting there.

And when you can imagine a compelling future; when you can imagine who you have the potential to become; and when you believe it’s possible to get there, it will provide you with the hope and energy to get going.

This gives me the motivation to act with intentional direction.

3. Know who you are doing this for

I never told this to anyone before…

But I’ll never forget when 3 years ago I wrote on my white board the following words:

Your kids will be heavily impacted by what you do today.

We often have a selfish mindset when it comes to our actions.

We often thing that what we do is trivial and that it doesn’t have the ability to positively or negatively impact the lives of others.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Everything you do matters.

Everything you do is either moving you closer to the person you wish to become or further from it.

And if you’re moving closer, you’ll have the ability to more positively impact your family, your friends, and your community. You’ll be able to shed your light on the world more effectively.

When you’re moving further from that person, you’re leaving the world a darker place than it needs to be.

When I think about who I am doing this for, I think about how I can positively impact the lives of my clients, my family, my friends, my Nashville community, the people in my country and even people throughout the entire world.

This gives me the motivation to not just act in my best interest but to act in the best interest of others.
If you’re still reading this, kudos to you, you’re someone who truly wants lasting motivation and inspiration.

You want lasting energy and hope.

If you do ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. What am I trying to avoid?
2. Who am I wanting to become?
3. Who am I doing this for?

If you can compile your answers into 3-4 succinct, emotionally driven sentences, it will provide you with lasting motivation.

It will provide you with a powerful why.

And your why isn’t just what gets you started; it’s what keeps you going when what you started gets tough.

If you need some motivation with your health and fitness, I have every single one of my clients answer these 3 questions before participating in the 10-Week Transformation.

And once they do, I see their mindset and their motivation radically shift.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to get motivated and stay motivated, then go HERE.

Lasting motivation is possible.

Consistent inspiration is attainable.

But you have to do the work.

You got this,


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How to get motivated and stay motivated

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