
How to Bounce Back 
After an Unhealthy Weekend

You know that feeling of waking up on Monday morning…

Looking at yourself in the mirror…

And thinking…


I just had one of those Mondays.

I felt like I did such a great job during the week of eating healthy and exercising, but then I blew it all over the weekend.

Last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I probably drank more than I had in the previous four weekends combined.

And they were all – in large part – unexpected occasions.

On Friday I went to bed at 10:15pm and on Saturday…drumroll please…

I went to bed at 12:45am!

If you know me, you know those are insane bedtimes for me. As I'm typically in bed between 7:30-9pm.

Does that make me 27 or 72?

I digress.

I woke up Monday morning not feeling like myself.

I felt bloated.

I felt like I had a setback.

And I know that’s what so many of us experience.

I’ve had clients who have recently gone to:
- The Waste Management Open – the rowdy golf tournament in Phoenix, Arizona
- Mexico to celebrate an Anniversary
- Mardi Gras in New Orleans

And this list could go on and on.

These above weekends don’t exactly scream healthy.

So, how can we bounce back and not let an unhealthy weekend turn into an unhealthy week?

And then another unhealthy weekend?

And then another unhealthy week?

Well, it’s easier said than done.

But one thing that you should know is,

Successful people aren’t perfect all the time; but when they do imperfect things, they self-correct quickly!

Have a bad weekend?

Make Monday super healthy.

Get in a great workout.

Drink 1/2 your bodyweight in ounces of water.

Eat healthy for all 3 meals.

Get to bed early.

The most successful people in the world self-correct quickly.
The best salespeople? If they lose a sale, they’re on the phone again in no time.

The best basketball players? If they miss the first free throw, they make the second one.

The best golfers? If they bogey a hole, they birdie the next one.

It’s not about never having an unhealthy weekend; it’s about – when you do - how quickly can you get back to your healthy habits.

Self-correcting is undoubtedly easier said than done.

So, what else can we do to ensure we self-correct quickly?

Be around supportive people.

Be around people who are going to lend you a hand, pick you back up, and encourage you to get back on track.

Luckily, that’s exactly what the 10-Week Transformation is all about.

We are first, going to ensure these unhealthy weekends are isolated incidents rather than consistent occurrences.

Secondly, when the isolated incident occurs, the group is going to pick you up quickly.

They will be quick to encourage.

When I woke up on Monday, I was upset with myself. I hated the way I felt and wanted to get out of it as quickly as possible.

So, I ate healthy and exercised every day, and at the time I’m writing this it’s Friday morning, and I feel great!

I feel like my normal self.

And you can do the exact same.

To self-correcting quickly,


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