
What is the Best Diet for Weight Loss

What’s the best diet for weight loss?
That’s the question everyone is asking.
When you google that question it literally gives you over 1 billion results…

It’s actually the wrong question.
Have you met someone who’s done keto and lost weight?
Have you met someone who’s gone vegetarian and lost weight?
Have you met someone who’s done paleo, intermittent fasting, the carnivore diet, or any number of these approaches and lost weight?
Odds are you’ve probably met someone who’s done at least one if not multiple of these things and they’ve lost weight.
How can it be possible that people lose weight following dramatically different nutritional philosophies?
It’s because all of these “diets/philosophies,” when done correctly, have one thing in common…
They involve eating clean, real foods.
Eating foods that are straight from the source.
In my experience so much about weight loss, well let’s be real, the goal isn’t weight loss, it’s body fat loss…

My experience - having coached 356 people and counting in the 10-Week Transformation - is that to lose body fat it’s not just about what you do eat, it’s also about what you don’t eat.
It’s about not eating processed foods.
Not eating snack foods like baked cheese, potato chips, and popcorn.
Not eating highly refined sugary foods like cookies, cake, and candy.
Not eating foods that have a bunch of crappy ingredients you can’t even read.
To lose body fat we need to eat clean, real food 80-90% of the time.
When you do that, calories will more often than not, take care of themselves.
"Nick, what do you eat? "
My first current nutritional goal is to eat 170g of protein a day (this is based on my bodyweight and my current fitness goal) primarily from clean animal sources like:
- Organic chicken
- Grass-fed beef
- Wild-caught salmon
- Turkey and
- Pasture-raised eggs
My second current nutritional goal is to eat 6 cups of vegetables a day from sources like:
- Brussels sprouts
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Asparagus
- Bell peppers
- Romaine
- Spinach and
- Arugula
Do I hit these goals every day?
Do I get pretty close?
Most of the time.
I’m not saying these are what your goals should be.
I simply wanted to reveal to you how I eat and what I’m focusing on, on a daily basis in order to optimize my health.
Bottom line is that if you want to look better and feel better, don’t overcomplicate things.
For most people, although there are some exceptions based on your situation...

But for most people, focus on eating clean, real foods 80-90% of the time and you’ll be well on your way to feeling like the healthiest version of yourself!
To staying away from the junk and eating real food,


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