
The 3 Rules to Eating Healthy

In order to lose fat and build muscle there are 3 steps. The first of which is to follow:

The 3 Rules to Eating Healthy

When it comes to nutrition, there is a lot of information out there.

A lot of it is great.

A lot of it is not so great.

I want to help you sift through the noise and provide you with a simple nutrition plan that is easy to implement into your own life.

My 1st of the three rules is: 
1. Optimize Vegetable Intake

How many veggies is enough, Nick?

Well, I'm glad you asked!

Before I give you that though, I want you to always realize - no matter who you're listening to or learning from when it comes to nutrition - nutrition is very personal to the individual.

Everyone responds to food differently.

Some people will have negative adverse reactions to certain vegetables while other people won't. 

Some people will have negative adverse reactions to certain proteins while others won't.

The more in tuned you are with your body and the more in tuned you are with which foods make you feel good, the better off you're going to be.

Back to how many veggies.

I recommend to people to eat a minimum of 4 cups of vegetables a day - preferably from multiple colors.

Some of the primary benefits from vegetables are:
- Antioxidants and Polyphenols - different colored vegetables provide different benefits
- Fiber - the benefits of fiber are innumerable but a few are gut health, insulin regulation, and metabolic health

My 2nd rule to eating healthy is:
2. Optimize your Omega 3: Omega 6 Ratio

Our bodies need both Omega 3s and Omega 6s to function properly however Omega 3s are typically much more difficult to come by and a deficiency of Omega 3s can lead to harmful consequences.

Three reasons why Omega 3s are critical is because of the positive impact they have on cellular membrane health, brain neural connections, and gut health.

My 3rd rule to eating healthy is:
3. Eat High Quality and Proper Amounts of Protein

Protein is made up of amino acids which are the building blocks for almost everything that goes on inside of the human body.

Amino acids are responsible for regulating immune function, skin healthy, hair health, and a whole host of others.

That is is one reason why we need to be sure that we're eating enough high-quality proteins.

A couple of other reasons are:
- Satiation - protein keeps us feeling full
- Muscle mass - an increase and/or the maintenance of muscle mass is tied to improvements in glucose and insulin regulation, longevity, and more.

In summary, my 3 rules and suggestions of how to act on them are as follows:

1. Optimize Vegetable Intake
- Eat 4+ cups of vegetables a day from sources such as Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cauliflower, Yellow Squash, Bell Peppers, and Spinach

2. Optimize your Omega 3: Omega 6 ratio
- Stay away from dirty vegetable oils. Eat things like wild-caught salmon, flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts and/or supplement with clean fish oils

3. Eat High Quality and Proper Amounts of Protein
- Eat around 1g of protein per lb. of your bodyweight (keep in mind this number can fluctuate a TON depending on height, weight, gender, activity level, goal, etc.) Eat from clean sources such as grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon, organic pasture-raised chicken, turkey, tofu, edamame, and quinoa

To eating healthy, losing fat, building muscle, and living long,


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