
How Much Alcohol Is Too Much Alcohol? 

How much alcohol is too much alcohol? 

We all know alcohol is not healthy, but some of us drink it like it is.

But how much is too much? 

I'll break down the 6 things to keep in mind for how to drink less alcohol. 

I'll be the first to say that I drink alcohol basically every week. 

About 90% of the time, I don’t drink alcohol Monday through Thursday. 

The other 10% would be because of a specific social scenario or event that I’m attending. 

But if I'm drinking on a “school night,” I keep it between 1-3 drinks. My goal is to never let alcohol consumption on a “school night” affect my productivity and effectiveness the next day.

On the weekends…that can be a different story.

If it’s football season, then you bet I’m going to have a few beers while watching my Georgia Bulldawgs. If there's a golf tournament, a wedding, or a party, then yes, I’m definitely going to have some alcohol. 

Luckily, I’ve learned how to tame my alter ego of “College Nick.” And my drinking habits now look a whole lot different than they did when I was in college. As they should…since that was over 6 years ago now.

My point in telling you this is that I’m not demonizing alcohol altogether. I don’t want to shame you for drinking alcohol because I do it, too. I never ask my clients to do something that I’m not willing and able to do myself. 

But I do feel like regulating alcohol consumption is an important topic to cover because, of the 512 people that have gone through the 10-Week Transformation, about half of them have created a goal - under their own authority - to regulate their alcohol intake.

Because people know it’s something that holds them back from achieving their goals. 

For this reason I wanted to discuss strategies to help you do that.


I also know that alcohol can be a triggering conversation because some people really struggle with alcohol consumption. And if that's you, then I'd recommend getting professional help. But for the person out there who is similar to me: you enjoy drinking, you don’t have a serious problem with it, but you know it holds you back from achieving your fitness goals, then these strategies are for you.

Lastly, before diving into the 6 things, I'm not here to be an authoritative parent or coach. I’m not really here to tell you how much alcohol you should drink or you shouldn’t drink. Because that is all relative from person to person and from week to week. 

I’m simply here to provide you with strategies that I’ve personally used and that my clients have used to help them drink less alcohol and therefore achieve their health and fitness goals.

6 Strategies For How To Drink Less Alcohol 

1. Drink A Little Less Than You Normally Would

While this is subjective, it’s often a great place to start.

This all starts with self-awareness and getting specific.

It starts with awareness around, on average, how many drinks do you currently have each week? 

Some of you might have a glass of wine every night. Some of you guys might have a couple glasses of wine every night…(not pointing any fingers)

Some of you might have a beer every night. 

Some of you might not drink during the week but you have 15 drinks over the weekend. 

Think about coming up with an average number of drinks you have each week - let’s say it’s 10. 

If you currently have 10 drinks a week, then set a goal of averaging 8 a week. If you stick with a little less than normal then, over time, you’ll start to see results.

2. Consume 5-8 Alcoholic Beverages Each Week

Let’s be VERY CLEAR; I’m not telling you that you HAVE TO DRINK anything at all.

Let’s be VERY CLEAR; alcohol is NOT HEALTHY for you. 

Alcohol kills brain cells, impairs your nervous system, decreases motivation, and can make you feel like crap the next day. 

But if you’re someone who does consume alcohol, then in my experience, 5-8 drinks a week is an amount that doesn’t feel too restrictive and still allows me to enjoy my favorite drinks - Moscow Mules, Margaritas, and Modelo to name a few.

(What is it about the letter M…?)

Some weeks it may be more; some weeks it may be less.

There are plenty of weeks - big football weekends, wedding weekends, or big social gatherings - when I will have more than 8. 

But then there are plenty of weeks when I’ll have less than 5.

For me the 5-8 range is a good number to keep top of mind and keep me in check. I’d encourage you to come up with your own range that keeps you in check.

3. Don’t Drink To Drink; Drink To Celebrate

This is a saying that I stole a while back from one of my clients - with his permission of course.

This beneficial mindset shift allows you to go from mindless drinking to mindful consumption. 

When you're drinking to celebrate, that's intentional. It’s mindless living that gets us into trouble. It's intentional living that leads us to success. 

I’d encourage you not to just drink because it’s there, not just because you’re tired or bored or stressed out, but drink because you’re celebrating something or someone.

4. Be Mindful

Similar to the last point; this is about having a pulse on how many drinks you’re actually putting down.

For me personally, I try not to overly obsess about it when I’m trying to have a good time, but knowing how many drinks I’m consuming allows me to cut myself off at the right time.

For example, I know if I’m at a wedding, then drinks can go down pretty quickly without thinking about it. But having a pulse on how many I have allows me to know when to stop.

Sometimes I’m better at stopping than others…

Knowing how many I’ve had is often what I need to keep me in check.

Before diving into the last two, if alcohol consumption is something that is holding you back from achieving your health and fitness goals then I’d encourage you to learn more about the 10-Week Transformation. It’s a great way to be held accountable for your healthy habits, so you can look and feel like your Best You.

If you’re in Nashville, come try out a FREE Class.

If you’re elsewhere, try out the 1-Week FREE Trial.

5. Be Wary Of The Kind Of Alcohol You’re Having

There is a difference between a margarita and a tequila soda.

Sure, they both have tequila, but a margarita is going to have more sugar and more calories.

There’s a difference between an IPA and a light beer. 

The number of calories and the alcohol percentage are often radically different.

While that higher alcohol percentage might give you that buzz a little sooner, which might be nice at the time, it can make you pay later on.

Being wary of the kind of alcohol you’re having can save you some calories today and save you from a headache tomorrow.

6. Think About Yourself Tomorrow Morning

This is huge for me.

When I’m drinking, I like to keep my future self in mind. I like to keep in mind: me, tomorrow morning.

The self-talk sounds like, “Nick, you don’t want to be hungover tomorrow. Don’t order another drink.”

I don’t like it when alcohol restricts my ability to be productive and effective the following day.

And it’s that disdain for a lack of productivity that, almost more than anything, keeps my alcohol consumption in check.


To be clear, I’m not saying you should drink alcohol.

If you’re not a drinker, then continue to not be a drinker. It’s better for your health.

But I know a lot of you like to drink on occasion.

And some of you, maybe a little bit more than “on occasion.” (Again, no finger pointing)

And some of you want to find ways to regulate your alcohol consumption more so that you can lose a few pounds of body fat.

So here again are my 6 Strategies For How To Drink Less Alcohol:
1. Drink A Little Less Than You Normally Would
2. Consume 5-8 Alcoholic Beverages Each Week
3. Don’t Drink To Drink; Drink To Celebrate
4. Be Mindful
5. Be Wary Of The Kind Of Alcohol You’re Having
6. Think About Yourself Tomorrow Morning

Let me know which one of these you are going to implement by DM’ing me on Instagram @carrier_bestyou.

I hope this helps you drink a little bit less than you normally would, helps you achieve your fitness goals, and helps you get closer to your Best You,


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