
The Best Pre-Workout Meal 
To Lose Fat And Build Muscle

What is the best thing to eat before you workout?

Should you workout fasted or should you eat something?

How long before you workout should you eat?

Today, I’m going to give you my 4 favorite options of what to eat before you workout and how to decide on which option is best for you. These options are not a ranking. One is not better than the other; they are simply options based on what works best for you and your goals.

Option 1: 
Eat Nothing

Workout fasted. I recommend working out fasted if you feel like that works best for you, if you’re working out early in the morning, or you’re using it as a tool to stay in a calorie deficit.

My caution to you is that if you workout fasted, then you may not perform at the same level during your workout, and you may not maximize your chances of maintaining or building muscle.

Option 2: 
A Piece Of Fruit

I often just like to eat a banana before I workout, and I recommend that to a lot of people as well. Or an apple or some berries.

The simple sugars in the fruit, the fructose, is something you can use for a quick and effective fuel source for your workout.

I’d recommend having just a piece of fruit about 30-60 minutes before you workout if you’re working out early in the morning and feel like you need something. Also, if you’re working out mid or late morning and you want something but not too much.

Option 3:
A Piece Of Fruit + Protein

This could be a banana and a beef stick. Or an apple and a protein shake

Having both carbs and protein before a workout is a great option especially if you’re looking to perform at a high intensity in your workout and if you’re looking to put on some muscle.

Carbs will provide you with an appropriate fuel source and eating some protein before your workout will ensure that you’re able to hit your protein goal throughout the day and maintain or build muscle.

Use this option to optimize performance during your workout.

Option 4:
A Full Meal: Starchy Carb + Protein

The last option is to eat a full meal 2-4 hours before your workout:

Here are some options.

- Greek Yogurt, Scoop of Protein Powder, Nuts, Seeds, Berries
- Steel Cut Oats, Nuts, Seeds, Berries, and Honey
- Toast, Eggs, Turkey bacon

- Quinoa, Chicken, and Broccoli
- Rice, Ground Turkey, and Brussels Sprouts
- Sweet Potatoes, Ground Beef, and Shredded Cheese

Depending on what time of day you workout, you may want to eat a full meal 2-4 hours before your workout.

If you’re working out at 10am, that might look like a full breakfast at 8am.

If you’re working out at 5pm, that might look like lunch at 1pm.

Having a well balanced meal that consists of a healthy starchy carb, a high-quality protein source, and healthy fat will provide you with the fuel you need to perform well and the protein to maintain or build muscle.


What should you eat before you workout?

It depends - everything with health and fitness depends.

It depends on your goal, what time you workout, the style of workout that you do, and what works for you personally.

Just be sure that whatever you eat aligns with your calorie needs, allows you to perform at the level you wish to perform at, and it works for you, your schedule, and your body.

Do you have specific questions about your situation and what you should eat before you workout? 

Feel free to DM me on Instagram @carrier_bestyou. Tell me what your goals are and when you typically workout and I can give you a personalized answer.

I hope you enjoyed today. If you did, share this episode with your workout partner, or someone you go to your workout class with. 

Today, I wanted to cover what to eat before you workout, and next week, I’ll cover what to eat after you workout.

Be sure you’re following the show on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify and you’re subscribing on YouTube so you don’t miss out.

I hope today helps you properly fuel before your workouts, so you can become the healthiest and best version of you.

To get a jumpstart on your at-home fitness journey, join the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation. You’ll receive 3 free workouts, breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes and more!

To getting closer to your Best You,


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